
Monday 31 October 2011

Last day of vegan MOFO and happy halloween!

Today is the last day of vegan month of food and what a great blogging month it has been! I have made some great new blogging friends and it is so great to see so many amazing vegan dishes being made all over the world! Thanks to the vegan MOFO team for all their hard work, they are truly inspirational! I will definitely be MOFOing again next year!

Happy Halloween!
Kyle and I at Jamboree.

Kyle and I as Jack and Jill or Hansel and Gretel. Who knows?

Quick almond truffles and coconut truffles! Everyone loved them and my vegan food doubting step dad said he could eat the whole plateful! Result!

I hope everyone has a great day and will or has eaten their weight in chocolate over the weekend! I had a great Halloween weekend! My boyfriend and I run a gig night called Jamboree, and Saturday night was amazing! The musicians dressed up as well as some of the crowd, and it was a great happy Halloween treat! Then last night I had my niece and nephew over for my traditional Halloween party and had a lovely time eating and playing wink murder!

Once again I hope you all have a fun Halloween!


  1. Happy Halloween. Great discovering your blog. Those truffles look amazing, any chance of posting the recipe?

  2. Sorry not to have replied sooner! It's been a bit crazy busy here! I am still working on the recipe, but will pop it up on here one day!
