
Monday 3 October 2011

My sundays.

Sundays are a working day for me now since I started the bakery. In fact the weekends are so much busier as most  fairs and events I have stalls at are on Saturday and Sundays. But every Sunday I have to bake all my orders ready for Monday morning deliveries! Here are some pictures from today. I did manage to make a great lunch for Kyle and I too, as I still think it's important to take a break and eat well even on a work day, and hell that's one of the reasons I went self employed, to make my own rules! 
You will also be pleased to know that I have been awarded 5 in my kitchen inspection from Norwich City Council. I needn't have stressed about it as I was told that I was 'one of the best kitchens' they had seen.
I am now waiting for my little sticker with a 5 to come through the post so I can proudly stick it on my front door!


  1. Your food looks so delicious! I'm really craving some good old-fashioned cinnamon rolls after seeing these now too :)

  2. Thanks Isobelle! I love a good cinnamon whirl for breakfast! Or infact anytime!

  3. I am so jealous that you can run your bakery out of your home kitchen - here in the US (in most states) it's forbidden and you have to pay for a commercial kitchen - ack! Everything looks great :)

  4. Thanks tea and sympatico! Those are my biscuits that then make up my green tea and pistachio whoopie pies! Yeah Ashlae they are quite strict about you doing it from home, I'm lucky I don't have pets and am low risk having no meat, dairy and eggs in my kitchen. I didn't know that you couldn't use your home Kitchen in America!

  5. Wow that all looks so great!!
