
Sunday 4 March 2012

The Deerly Beloved Bakery blog is a year old!


That's right! The blog turns a year old this Thursday! And to celebrate I will be giving away a little spring lamb to one lucky reader! The lamb is made from 72% organic and fair trade chocolate. To win all you have to do is subscribe to the blog (scroll down and on the right hand side it says 'join this site' click on it to subscribe) and  leave your email address in the comments box under this blog post so I can contact you if you are the lucky winner! All new subscribers from today will be entered into the competition and then on Thursday 8th of March I will choose one lucky winner at random! This is only open to UK residents. Good luck and a huge thanks to all 9535 readers so far! You rock! And here's to another year of recipes, photos and veganess! X

This competition is now closed and the winner is Anne-Marie! Thanks to everyone who entered! X


  1. Congrats on your 1st Birthday :o)
    Best Wishes

  2. Everything looks so yummy, I'll have to come for a holiday : ) Happy 1st Birthday for Thurday!


  3. Couldn't find "join this site", but i subscribed to your RSS feed and clicked "follow" at the top of the page.


    agroark {-at-} gmail dot com.

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