
Wednesday 11 September 2013

September Vegan Get Together

Every second tuesday of the month Deerly Beloved hosts a 'Vegan Get Together' where local vegans come together and share their homemade or shop bought treats. We talk about vegan issues, why we are vegan, local animal charities and vegan events and about baking and help each other learn new techniques, recipes or ingredients ideas, to help us with our baking. 
We also eat a huge amount of cake and drink lots of coffee and make new friends too! 
Tonight Alex from the lovely In Vegetables We Trust brought along some lovely Sourdough Cinnamon Whirls, the lovely Myerson family brought cake, and chips and dips and the fab Pete and Lucy brought some Chocolate Flapjack which was sooo good! It was such a cold, wet and windy night and I am so glad people came! I can't wait for next month! 
We also like to support a fantastic cause called 'The Peoples Picnic', which hands out donated food to the homeless and vulnerable people of Norwich. They rely totally on donations of food from the public so we always make sure to bake an extra cake for them when we have our 'get togethers'. They are always so grateful and happy to receive our offerings. If you would like to find out more about their fantastic work please click HERE

If you would like to join us at our 'Get Togethers' simply come along or email Kayleigh at

Photo by The Peoples Picnic

Photo by The Peoples Picnic


  1. Cant wait till the next meet up, YEAH!

  2. Looks like y'all had a great time and some tasty treats :)

  3. Looks like y'all had a great time and some tasty treats :)

  4. Just discoved Alex's blog through this year's Mofo. Looks like a great meetup and good on you for supporting the People's Picnic.
