
Sunday 1 September 2013

Vegan MoFo 2013!

Vegan MoFo is back and I am so proud to be part of this amazing global blogathon for the 3rd year running! While trying to decide on a theme (hmmmm ice cream? Preserving? Back to school meals?) I decided to have a loose theme on pastry, french pastries, pastries from round the world and savoury pastries! Although I have my heart set on making an awesome cheese cake and several non pastry recipes too! I will also be blogging about the day to day comings and goings of my bakery with my usual 'My Week According to my Camera' and any pretty cakes and bakes I make while it's MoFo time!
I also have a fab competition coming up half way through the month which I will tell you more about closer to the time! But just to say it involves a certain queen of the MoFo'ers Isa Chandra Moskowitz and her beautiful new cook book! So stay tuned!

I hope you enjoy my posts and recipes this vegan MoFo and please comment! I love to hear from you guys and hope to make lots more blogging and non blogging friends as I did last year!

So here we go let's start MoFoing! XXX

You can follow vegan mofo here:
The wonderful Mofo'ers are also working on the usual bundle that you can download to view all the blogs as they post! So stay tuned! XXX

If you have enjoyed my blog please follow us!
You can also like our facebook page here
and our Twitter page here
Thanks! X


  1. Ooooh pastries?!! So excited to read your MoFoing! Can I make a suggestion that you remove your captcha for the month though? I know a lot of people just wont leave a comment if they see one!

  2. Oh thanks for that I didn't even know I had it on! hahahah! Hope you enjoy my MoFo posts X

  3. Sounds good to me! Looking forward to the savoury pastries particularly!

  4. Looking forward to reading all your MoFo posts :)

  5. those bear hug pies look totally yum.

  6. Happy Vegan MoFo! I am excited for your pastry theme, yummy. Those bear claws look amazing!

  7. Brilliant theme Kayleigh. Really looking forward to you're posts!

  8. Thank you! I am loving your Manchester History and Northern Quarter Theme!
