
Saturday 16 November 2013

Beetroot Pasta with Slow Roasted Tomatoes and Vegan Feta.

I am so happy to be participating in the November 2013 Virtual Vegan Potluck! I had so much fun back in May when I joined in the feast with my Crème Brûlée! So when I heard about the November Potluck I couldn't wait!
This time around there was an optional challenge of using beetroot in your recipe. This common and under used vegetable has such a wonderful flavour and is so good for you that I am so happy it was named the challenge ingredient, and I cannot wait to see what other beetroot delights are in store from the other potluckers!
My recipe is for beetroot pasta with slow roasted tomatoes, lemony 'feta' and pine nuts and it is delicious! So lets get the mains of this potluck agoing!


1 large Beetroot
2 Tbsp of Olive Oil
2 Cups of Pasta 00 Flour
1/4 Cup of Water

250g (half a block) Firm Tofu
1 Tbsp of Olive Oil
2 Tbsp of Lemon Juice
Good Pinch of Sea Salt
Good Pinch of Black Pepper
1/2 tsp of Agave
1 Tbsp of Fresh Lemon Thyme

Extra ingredients:
2 Cups of Fresh Baby Plum Tomatoes
1/4 Cup of Pine Nuts

Wash and slice the large beetroot into quarters. Place in a saucepan of cold water and bring to the boil cook for 25 mins or until tender. Drain, allow to cool and then place in a food processor with the olive oil and blitz until smooth.
In a bowl add the pasta flour. Then add the beetroot puree to the bowl and slowly work the mixture until it becomes a dough. If it is a little dry add some of the water. It may not need any extra water so don't panic if it has come together into a shiny dough with out any extra liquid! Wrap in cling film and place in the fridge to rest for 30 mins.
Crumble the tofu into a bowl and add the lemon juice, salt, pepper, agave and lemon thyme. Mix to combine.
Place the tofu feta and the tomatoes into a roasting dish, drizzle with the olive oil and roast in the oven for 30 mins.
Dust your kitchen counter with pasta flour and then roll out your pasta with a rolling pin as thinly as you can. Using a sharp knife slice long strips of pasta and place each one over your rolling pin, or as I used a clean towel drier for 15mins. The weight of the pasta will help lengthen it and it will help it 'dry' slightly so you don't have thick or water logged bits of pasta once cooked!

In a frying pan gently toast some pine nuts on a medium heat and place to one side.
Bring a pan of water to the boil and add your pasta, this will take around 2 mins to cook. Drain the pasta and place on your plates. Remove your tomatoes and feta from the oven and gently place them over the pasta. Sprinkle over the pine nuts and a little extra fresh lemon thyme and olive oil. Serve immediately!

I hope you have enjoyed my recipe! Please give me a follow and a like on my bakery page Deerly Beloved Bakery!
Now click on the link to go forward to the wonderful Farmers Market Vegan for their wonderful main course!
If you would like to start the Potluck from the start, here is the official list of participants

The Whole Geek

 Farmers Market Vegan


  1. So impressed you made your own pasta! It looks perfect, as does the whole dish :)

  2. I'm with Emma! I am blown away by people that make their own pasta. I tried to make ravioli before and while it was okay, I just couldn't get it thin enough. Yours looks so perfect!

  3. Hi! Just wanted to let you know that your link to my blog, Farmers Market Vegan, is broken. Here's the correct link:


  4. Thank you guys! That is so sweet of you! XXX
    and I have fixed the link farmersmarketvegan! X

  5. I love beets, and I lovelovelove pine nuts! This looks wonderful!

    1. I love Pine nuts and you don't need to many to really brighten up a dish! X

  6. What a stunning dish! What work you put in too to make that pretty pink pasta!

    1. I was so pleased with how vivid the colour turned out! Thank you for your kind words! X

  7. Hooray for beet pasta and thank you for the "feta" i've never attempted it before so this is real exciting! xx

    1. Oh you should try the 'feta'it's great on pizza with roasted butternut squash and rocket too! mmmmm! X

  8. Your beetroot pasta looks beautiful and the tofu feta sounds yum! Even I enjoying making pasta at home from scratch. I've never tried letting the strips hang to dry and lengthen before though. What a brilliant idea using a clean towel rack for it!!! :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. What a beautiful dish! The Beet Pasta would be perfect for Valentine's Day!

  11. I am super impressed! This is a very creative recipe and I love it. Happy VVP!

  12. Hello my dear! Look at that stunning pasta!! You have the patience of a saint to make your own. Thank you so much for being a part of this crazy Potluck!

    1. Thank you Anne! And thanks so much for having me! It was wonderful to see all the lovely recipes! I hoe you had a lovely VVP! X

  13. Wow, I am so impressed you made beet pasta! The color is amazing. And I love your presentation of the final dish, too-- I'm a sucker for anything with slow roasted tomatoes or pine nuts.

  14. Beetroot pasta looks so pretty. I can never get enough of its purple wonderfulness, so I know I need this in my stomach soon!

  15. Wow ~ so amazing! When I saw the title, I was envisioning spiralized beets, but this is incredible. Love that you make your own pasta, and the final product is so beautiful!

  16. Very nice, thanks

  17. This looks so good :) I made beetroot pasta a few years back, and I´ve been wondering if I could make it vegan (and glutenfree). Let´s see what happens^^

  18. Thank you for all your lovely comments!!! I hope you all had a wonderful Potluck! XX

  19. great pic of you with the fantastic hued pasta. the plating is lovely and recipe mouthwatering :)

  20. Oh I'm a huge fan of tofu feta too and this dish looks sensational!

    1. Thanks Rebecca! I love tofu feta it's a really treat! X

  21. I was given a pasta machine for my birthday and now I finally have a pasta recipe to try. So excited about your recipe.
    Thank you for the great recipe.

    1. Oh brilliant! I don't have a pasta machine so this recipe is going to be so much easier for you with one! X

  22. Whoa that's awesome that you made your own pasta! Something I've never attempted myself. It turned out so pretty with it's pink hue. Along with the tofu feta, this sounds incredible!

  23. Homemade pasta - I've never been brave enough to try it! Thank you for sharing and including so many great details and tips!

  24. Oh! Homemade pasta.... and the most beautiful color, to boot. This sounds delicious. Thanks so much for sharing. You have inspired me to give past a go!!!

  25. I love flavoured pasta! Will definitely have to give this one a go.

  26. I love your beet pasta. It looks so pretty and it's fun to see your technique. I am going to have to try the way you make feta, too. I've never seen it done this way and I love how it ends up cubed. Mine is usually crumbled. Thank you!

  27. Looks gorgeous! As soon as I heard that the featured ingredient was beets I thought of making home made beetroot pasta! I'm so glad someone brought it!
