
Sunday 25 January 2015

Chickpea, Kale and Cauliflower Curry Hand Pies Recipe

Makes 2 large hand pies

2 Tbsps of Sunflower Oil
2 Level Tbsp of Mild Garam Masala Powder
1 Tbsp of Mustard Seeds
1/2 Tbsp of Cumin Seeds
2 Leeks finely chopped
1 Large Carrot finely Chopped
1 Cup Cauliflower Florets
1 Cup roughly chopped Kale or Cavolo Nero
2 Medium Potatoes Chopped into cubes
1 Can of Chickpeas
Pinch of Salt to taste
1/2 Tsp of sugar
2 Cups Soya/ Coconut Milk
1 Cup of Water
1 block of ready made puff pastry

In a pan gently fry the garam masala, mustard seeds and the cumin seeds to bring out the flavours for about 30 seconds.
Then add the leeks, carrot, cauliflower, kale and potatoes to the pan along with the chickpeas. Stir to coat in the spices. Add the soya milk and water to the pan, pop on a lid and lower the heat. Let it cook for around 25 mins until the potatoes are cooked through, stirring every now and again so not to let the curry stick to the pan and burn. If it gets too thick while cooking add a little more water. However you want the curry to be fairly thick so when it comes to putting it in the pastry it doesn't run everywhere!
Check the seasoning. Add more salt or even a little more garam masala if you want a little more curry zing!
Once cooked take off the heat and leave to cool for 15 mins otherwise the heat of the curry will melt your pastry!
Roll out your pastry into a large rectangle and cut into two. Place a good amount of the mixture into the center of each piece of pastry and fold over and use a little water to seal the pie. Crimp the edges to secure and make two slits in the top of the pastry to help let out steam while it cooks. Pop the pies on some greaseproof paper and into a pre heated oven at 200c for about 30 mins.
Make sure they are piping hot in the middle and serve!
These are great cold and also freeze really well too!

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