The last few days have been sooo busy here at the Deerly Beloved Bakery kitchen! It was the Earthlights festival yesterday and my little team and I were asked to do the catering! So Friday I was busy making and prepping enough food for 100 or so people. By Friday evening I was pretty cream crackered but was excited and had my happy baking feeling going on. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing ingredients turn into meals for people to enjoy, and who doesn't like 60 pieces of pizza sitting in their fridge? So Saturday Kyle and I stocked up the car (the first car I have ever owned which we got last week, it's small and nothing special but it is ours) and set off to Stowmarket. I was so proud of Kyle as it was the first time he had driven any distance (we had a mini drive round town when we got the car last week) in 10 years! 10 years! God I am soooo proud of him! We got a bit lost (because I have never driven and never had to navigate A roads and B roads before. Normally I rely on my feet and I know my city pretty well) and we ended up asking a few people how to get to the festival, a kind lady in a pub said we were two minutes away and said ''follow me'', she jumped in her little yellow car and let us follow her! It is lovely when things like this happen, there are good people in the world! We had a great time and it was a steady buzz all day! It was so nice and some of my regular customers came down to support me! Thanks to everyone who came and ate my food and for the Earthlights team for inviting us!! It has reinforced how much I want a bakery/cafe one day!
There will be pictures of the festival to follow but my camera doesn't seem to want to upload them at this point in time! I think my lead is broken :(
So Cavolo Nero or black cabbage is my favourite green. It is so beautiful, so nutritious and delicious! It has little pockets all over it that allow delicious things to sit in them and make it taste even more wonderful!
This was a quick supper that I made the other night and I thought I would share it! I was so hungry and tired that I didn't take a picture of the finished dish (I had eaten it before I realised I wanted a photo for the blog! Doh!) But you can imagine it!
8 large Cavolo Nero leaves washed and sliced into pieces.
10 new potatoes
1/2 cup of cashews or hazelnuts roughly chopped
1 red onion sliced into thin strips
Glug of olive oil for frying
1 tbsp of mustard seeds
2 tsp of cumin seeds
1/4 of a tsp of Cayenne pepper
1/4 of a tsp of sweet paprika
Sea Salt
Right so pop the potatoes on to boil in salted water. If they are small boil them whole if they are larger chop in half. They should take about 20 -30 mins to cook. In a pan pop in a glug of oil, and add the cumin, mustard seed, cayenne and paprika. The seeds will start to pop in the heat. To stop yourself getting spat at, hover a saucepan lid over the pan until they have all popped. Then add the onion, fry for 5 mins and add the cashews. Then add the cavolo nero. It will turn from black to a luscious green! season to taste and set aside until the potatoes are tender. Drain the potatoes season and add a glug of olive oil. Pop the cavolo nero mixture into the potato pan and gently mix. The potatoes will suck up all the gorgeous spices and turn a wonderful golden yellow brown. Serve immediately!