We are very excited to announce that we are having a Deerly Beloved Bakery Pop Up Cafe at the Norwich Makers Market on April 13th and December the 7th! Keep your eye's peeled for more info soon! X
Thursday, 31 January 2013
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
My Life According To My Camera!
1,2,3) Waiting to see the registrar to finalise our civil wedding ceremony!
5) Dinner of yummy Mac 'n' Cheeze (okay so I used penne pasta) so it's more Pen 'n' Cheeze, with Kale! It was just what I needed and it put everything right again! You can find out my basic recipe for it here:http://deerlybelovedbakery.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/broccoli-macaroni-cheezze-and-trip-to.html
6&7) The newest member of the Deerly Beloved family has arrived!
8) Best Valentine's card ever! from BettyTurbo on Etsy! http://www.etsy.com/listing/120017076/vegan-macaroni-valentine?
9) It's nearly my birthday which means Blood Oranges are back in season yay! I usually celebrate by eating a gazillion of the things!
(pictures 6&7 by Bethany Aberdour)
Monday, 21 January 2013
Valentine's Giveaway!
All people who enter will be added to the list below:
1) Kandy Diamond FB
2) Alison Goodhew FB
3) Karen Twitter @KJS182
4) Glen Muffins Westall FB
5) Sarah Ellis FB
6) Becky Cat Steel FB
7) Baifun De Hulster FB
8) Natalija Jameela FB
9) Sarah King FB
10) Tarnia Meers FB
11) Invegetablewetrust FB
12) Lorel Evans FB
13) Julia Kerensa Taylor FB
14) James Marsden FB
15) Helen Confabulation FB
16) Ginger Childers FB
17) Darcy Rees
18) Ali Calver Florist Twitter@Anicalverflower
19) The Vegan Green Twitter@Thevegangreen
20) Vegging Out FB
21) Victoria Sommer FB
22) Moss Klaczac FB
23) Leah Freshrabbits FB
24) Samantha Nethercott Chalk FB
25) Tom Milburn FB
26) Victoria Grigg Twitter@vickygrigg
27) South of The Border Retro FB
28) Claire O'Connor FB
29) Hannah Wainwright Dumont FB
30) Jess Crisp FB
31) Ru Kernow FB
32) Ellie Savidge FB
33) Jacqueline Underwood-Hall FB
34) Diane Ellis FB
35) Anne K Clothier FB
36) Therese Canning FB
37) Miranda Dane FB
38) Dee Partridge FB
39) Drew Jay FB
40) Natasha Duckett
41) Eva Spence Twitter@Eva_Spence
42) Joline Twitter@retreatvintage
43) Karen Gaul Twitter@karenatflanders
44) Lola Knight Twitter@Gandhisglove
45) Catherine laura Ward FB
46) Liz Platt FB
47) Chicci Cocoa FB
48) Nik Anti-speciesest
49) Dominika Palmaka FB
50) Helen Confabulation FB
51) Erika Narkiewicz FB
52) Counterfeit Reborn DeWalpurgis FB
53) Barbara Eaton Klippenstein FB
54) Debra Atherton FB
55) Stacey Chalkley FB
56) Lesley Stopthedeercull Dove FB
57) Jenny Elliot-Bennet FB
58) Carol Maskell FB
59) Ann Parkes FB
60) Seema Kapoor FB
61) Chelsea Keene FB
62) Dawn Thompson-Howard FB
63) Rebecca Bennet FB
64) Tamara Cooke FB
65) Jennifer O'Tool FB
66) Margaret Edmunds FB
67) David M Twitter@Cautiousman99
68) Monica Wajsman Twitter@Teddyplanet
69) Jessica Sjoholm Twitter@CornishMaid90
70) Lucy Barnes FB
71) Avril Froggatt FB
72) Sophia Bellers FB
73) Su Ness FB
74) Daisy Lachat FB
75) Debz Brookes FB
76) Carol Stevenson FB
77) Ruth Sanderson-Dredge
78) Amanda Bills
79) Amy Robinson
80) Emily Cartwright
81) Roni Gail
82) Dorota Nocun
83) Victoria Myerson
84) Amy Richardson-Rowe Twitter@isabeaucouture
85) Beth Twitter@Purplebethq
86) Michael Brammel Twitter@Brammell
87) Paul Roland Twitter@RealPaulRoland
88) Stephanie Bissey FB
89) Tasha McCracken FB
90) Amanda Saviour Chase
91) Carly Burnell
92) Karen Benham
93) Samantha Holmes
94) Dave Gilbert
95) Wrexham Veggies
96) Rachel Bevan
97) No Dice Sugar
98) Katina Chapman
99) Sally Morris
100) Gill V Webb
101) Gillian Claire
102) Charlie Gilbert
103) Tanya Hamilton-Adams
104) Caroline Searle
105) Louise Harvey
106) Megachops Dunlop
107) Katherine Krogulec
108) Holly Speight
109) Aaron Kyary Davies
110) Ai Dan
111) Solera Russell
112) Becky Edwards
113) Kayleigh Rushton
114) JB Love Crafts
115) Paul David Harmer
116) Samel Harrison Smith
117) Douglas Grey
118) Sue Milton
119) Jenny McCann
120) Kerry Jones
121) the Little Blue Hen Soap Crafting Company
122) Catherine Blockerbyebaby Robertson
123) Vegan Business Guide
124)Alison Wagstaff
125) Maria Pavledis
126) Maggie Sea
127)Tersia Greyling Athanasellis
128) JB Lovecraft
Competition is now closed! Winner is Wrexham Veggies!!!!!
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Snow Day!
Today has been a crazy snow day! It has snowed all afternoon and looks set to continue most of the week here in Norwich. It's days like these I am so glad I work from home and that Kyle only has a 5 minute walk to work!
So today has been all about keeping warm with lots of hot drinks, eating yummy tofu scramble and making cakes for Waterstones Café W!
It has been so nice working in my warm kitchen while watching the snow fall, and for once our, shall I say 'rustic' garden looks very neat all blanketed in white!
I hope wherever you are you keep safe and warm, here are a few wintery snaps I took today.

Monday, 14 January 2013
Valentine's Range!
Valentines collection
The box contains:
2 chocolate brownie chocolates made with cocoa and chocolate chips for a indulgent treat and then dipped in melted chocolate for a wonderful crack as you bite in!
Ingredients include organic gluten free flour, organic and fairtrade cocoa and organic and fairtrade 72% chocolate.
2 White solid rose flavoured chocolate hearts bejewelled with tiny pink hearts and half dipped in 72% chocolate. Ingredients include organic cocoa butter and fairtrade white chocolate, organic and fairtrade dark chocolate and organic rosewater.
2 Raspberry and Hibiscus flower truffles. Smooth truffle with dried sharp raspberries and sweet hibiscus flowers encased in a 72% chocolate shell. Ingredients include organic dried raspberries and hibiscus flowers, fairtrade and organic 72% chocolate and organic and fairtrade cocoa butter. £7 + £4.50 p+p
Mini Red Velvet Cakes!
This Mini Red velvet Cake (4.5'') is a rich red chocolate cake with a vanilla buttercream and a drizzle of red velvet icing is perfect for your beloved!
All Deerly Beloved Bakery cakes can be made gluten free for you using Dove's
Farm flours, and although we have a strict cross contamination policy,
please bear in mind we do use gluten flour in our kitchen. All ingredients are
local, seasonal, organic and fairtrade where possible and 100% cruelty free!
They are freshly made to order, no cakes hanging round waiting to be sold here!
They can either be collected from the bakery or delivered in the Norwich area
for a £3 charge. Ordering can't be simpler! Email your order to
deerlybelovedbakeryvegan@gmail.com and you can either pay by cheque or I can
send a PayPal invoice to your email address. Once I have received your payment I
will send you an email confirmation and your cakes will be freshly made, ready
for you to collect or be delivered in the Norwich area.
4.5'' Red Velvet Cake £9. Gluten Free £11
Apple Rose Tarts!
These gorgeous tarts are made with poached apple slices, shaped by hand into a rose, with a home made lemon curd filling in a golden pastry case!
All ingredients are local, seasonal, organic and fairtrade where possible and 100% cruelty free! They are freshly made to order, no cakes hanging round waiting to be sold here! They can either be collected from the bakery or delivered in the Norwich area for a £3 charge. Ordering can't be simpler! Email your order to deerlybelovedbakeryvegan@gmail.com and you can either pay by cheque or I can send a PayPal invoice to your email address. Once I have received your payment I will send you an email confirmation and your cakes will be freshly made, ready for you to collect or be delivered in the Norwich area.
They are £1.50 each and can be made in any quantity.
Valentine's Whoopie Pies!
Deerly Beloved Bakery's Valentines Whoopie pies are a box of 3 hand painted whoopie pies available in two flavours either chocolate and Rose or Lemon and Rose!
Ordering can't be simpler! Email your order to
deerlybelovedbakeryvegan@gmail.com and you can either pay by cheque or I can
send a PayPal invoice to your email address. Once I have received your payment I
will send you an email confirmation and your whoopie pies will be freshly made to be
and sent!
They can either be collected from the bakery, delivered in the Norwich area for a £3 charge or be sent by post 'recorded signed for' for £4.50
They can either be collected from the bakery, delivered in the Norwich area for a £3 charge or be sent by post 'recorded signed for' for £4.50
Box of 3 Available in Two Flavours £5
Please Note:
Last date for Valentines posting of Whoopie Pies or Chocolates is Monday the 11th of February. Collections and deliveries are available up to Valentines Day the 14th of February. Orders are not confirmed until payment is received and if by paying by cheque it must be cleared before dispatch of goods. Thank you X
Friday, 11 January 2013
Savoury French Toast with Tomato and Red Onion Sauce
Tonight I made the best ever savoury French Toast with Tomato and Red Onion Sauce, and it was super yummy. You know when you eat a meal and want to eat it again because it was so yummy? Well this French Toast was one of those meals! It's crispy on the outside and fluffy and quiche like in the middle. I can see this becoming a new favourite in our house!
Now in the past I have tried to make french toast before and along with a rubbish pan that wasn't non-stick enough (I got a new Ecolution non-stick pan for Christmas and it is a dream!) and I made the batter to runny. This recipe for the batter may seem thick but trust me it is delicious and pretty simple to make. The longest bit is leaving the bread in the pan long enough to get that lovely golden crunchy outside! I would recommend popping an oven proof dish in the oven too, (before you start frying) and whacking up the heat to keep each slice warm and crisp and then serving them all up at once!
Tomato and Onion Sauce:
1 Red Onion sliced into strips
1 Tin of Chopped Tomatoes
Pinch of Salt
1/2 Tsp Dried Oregano
1/2 Tsp of Sugar
1 Tbsp of Balsamic Vinegar
Glug of Olive Oil
1/2 Cup of Fresh Cherry Tomatoes for later
In a pan fry the onions until golden then add the tin of tomatoes, salt, oregano, sugar and balsamic and allow to reduce by half. Check the seasoning and then pop to one side. You should have a very thick and rich tomato sauce which would also be amazing with pasta!
Now make your French Toast!
Savoury French Toast:
6 Slices of White day old Bread
1 Carton of Silken Tofu
4 Tbsp of Nutritional Yeast
Good Pinch of Salt and Black Pepper
1/2 Tsp of Dried Mixed Herbs
2 Tbsp of Olive Oil
2 Tbsp of Soya Milk
Olive Oil to fry
In a bowl add all the ingredients (except the bread) and whisk to make a thick paste which has some texture but is pretty smooth. Take each slice of bread and coat with the batter. Take your non-stick pan and when really hot add a 1/2 tsp of olive oil. Gently place a slice of the batter dipped bread into the pan and stand back a bit as the oil can spit!!!!! Don't be tempted to turn it over for at least a minute, gently lift the bread and check that it is a rich golden colour, if it isn't leave it to cook for another minute or so. Then flip and repeat with the other side. When browned on both sides, transfer it to our heated oven dish, add another 1/2 tsp of olive oil and start on the next slice of bread until you have cooked them all.
Once you have cooked all the slices, take the remaining cherry tomatoes cut them in half and quickly brown them in the pan, these will give a lovely texture with the tomato sauce! Now plate up! Cut the french toast in triangles, spoon over the sauce and add the browned cherry tomatoes on top! And eat! X
Now in the past I have tried to make french toast before and along with a rubbish pan that wasn't non-stick enough (I got a new Ecolution non-stick pan for Christmas and it is a dream!) and I made the batter to runny. This recipe for the batter may seem thick but trust me it is delicious and pretty simple to make. The longest bit is leaving the bread in the pan long enough to get that lovely golden crunchy outside! I would recommend popping an oven proof dish in the oven too, (before you start frying) and whacking up the heat to keep each slice warm and crisp and then serving them all up at once!
Tomato and Onion Sauce:
1 Red Onion sliced into strips
1 Tin of Chopped Tomatoes
Pinch of Salt
1/2 Tsp Dried Oregano
1/2 Tsp of Sugar
1 Tbsp of Balsamic Vinegar
Glug of Olive Oil
1/2 Cup of Fresh Cherry Tomatoes for later
In a pan fry the onions until golden then add the tin of tomatoes, salt, oregano, sugar and balsamic and allow to reduce by half. Check the seasoning and then pop to one side. You should have a very thick and rich tomato sauce which would also be amazing with pasta!
Now make your French Toast!
Savoury French Toast:
6 Slices of White day old Bread
1 Carton of Silken Tofu
4 Tbsp of Nutritional Yeast
Good Pinch of Salt and Black Pepper
1/2 Tsp of Dried Mixed Herbs
2 Tbsp of Olive Oil
2 Tbsp of Soya Milk
Olive Oil to fry
In a bowl add all the ingredients (except the bread) and whisk to make a thick paste which has some texture but is pretty smooth. Take each slice of bread and coat with the batter. Take your non-stick pan and when really hot add a 1/2 tsp of olive oil. Gently place a slice of the batter dipped bread into the pan and stand back a bit as the oil can spit!!!!! Don't be tempted to turn it over for at least a minute, gently lift the bread and check that it is a rich golden colour, if it isn't leave it to cook for another minute or so. Then flip and repeat with the other side. When browned on both sides, transfer it to our heated oven dish, add another 1/2 tsp of olive oil and start on the next slice of bread until you have cooked them all.
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Just added to the pan. |
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Nicely browned! |
Thursday, 10 January 2013
Deerly Beloved Wedding Plans
On the 6th of April Kyle and I are having a Civil Wedding in Norwich, and I thought I would start a little blog post series about how our plans are going!
We are having a very intimate day with just a few friends and family, as we want the day to be more about our commitment to each other than about 'the big day'!
We are making lots of the things ourselves: (I am making my cake and doing the catering which may be the best idea or worst ever, we shall see!) my mum had her own flower shop for 18 years (and is the best florist on the planet) so will be doing our flowers, our friends will be playing music for us (Kyle used to be in bands with our two best men), we are hand making paper pom poms, bunting and decorations and my lovely friend Laura Manfre made our wonderful invites below!
We are hunting down vintage crockery at second hand markets and stores and buying biodegradable cups and napkins as I am also aware of the impact weddings can have on the environment! There can be so much waste for just one day!
I cannot say much about my dress other than it has a vintage feel and only cost £40! Bargain!
So far it has been pretty easy to find vegan alternatives for most things and even some mainstream shops have faux leather or canvas shoes which has been great, as most of the specialist vegan shoes have been way out of our budget.
We are so happy to be having the wonderful Joanna Millington do our photography which we am so excited about!
It's all slowly starting to fall into place and get sorted and I hope to share our progress with you over the next couple of months! X
Have you got any green eco tips or some vegan weddings gems you would like to share? Or any vegan friendly wedding things you would like me to research for this blog series? Please comment below! X
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There may be one or two of these too! |
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Write Up In The Evening News
Yesterday we had a lovely little write up published in the Evening News! You can read it in full by clicking on the link here! X
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! I hope you all have a fantastic 2013 full of Health, Peace and Happiness!
Once again I would like to thank you all so much especially everyone who has bought cakes and bakes, chocolates and savouries and come to see us at our stalls, you have been amazing! XXX
I thought I would do a little recap of some of the stuff we got up to in 2012! Stalls, recipes and highlights!
Pictures from some of our stalls!
Clutter City |
Mind, Body and Spirit Festival |
Victoria Baths Fanzine Convention Manchester |
Norwich Veggie Fair |
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Magdalen Street Fair |
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Norwich Makers Market |
In May we started up our Vegan Get Together Group!
We continued making cakes for the wonderful Biddy's Tea Room and St Benedict's Food Store and then in December we started supplying Waterstones Cafe W! Which was an amazing moment for us and for veganism!
In October for Vegan MOFO, we ran an interview series called 'chefs who Inspire Me'! I was so lucky to interview my favourite vegan chefs!
Lagusta Yearwood of Lagusta's Luscious
Ashlae W of Oh, Ladycakes!
Kittee Bee Berns of Cake Makers To The Stars
Miyoko Schinner of Miyoko's Kitchen!
Jaime K of Save The Kales!
Triple Chocolate Brownie Cake
Red Pepper and Fennel Lasagne
Marinated Mushrooms and Avocado Mayonnaise
Spicy Potato and Pea Samosas
Thyme and Roasted Pepper Ravioli with Tomato Sauce
Smoked Paprika, Olive and Tomato Cornbread Muffins
Danielle's Viennese Whirls
Green Tea Jewel Lollies
Summer Asparagus Salad and Apple Juice and Lemon Balm Cooler
Spicy Sausage Goulash (and Paprika Sausage recipe)
Broccoli Macaroni Cheese
Almond Milk Chai
Red Lentil and Butter Bean Dahl with Cucumber Raita
Matzo Balls
Tri Colour Pasta with Chive, Tomato and Walnut Pesto
Gluten Free Pizza Dough
Gluten Free Chocolate and Raspberry Muffins
I wrote my first recipe Zine and my Recipes were featured in some magazines and websites!
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My First Recipe Zine! |
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Potato Gnocchi With Kale, Walnut and Parsley Pesto Featured on the Vegan Woman Website http://www.theveganwoman.com/theres-a-new-pesto-in-town-gnocchi-with-kale-parsley-and-walnut-pesto/ |
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My Lasagne Recipe In Chickpea Magazine |
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My Lasagne Recipe In Chickpea Magazine |
On a personal note Kyle and I got engaged last January which one of my favourite highlights! We are having a small civil wedding this April and we can't wait to share the photo's with you all!
Here's to a fab 2013!
Kayleigh XXX
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